(10-24-24) Release Notes

Jira TicketDescription
CLOUD-1857Updated EKS to run on an updated version over the depreciated version we used.
CLOUD-1899Email messages are now tagged with client and account IDs so we can make straight queries.
CLOUD-1898Hid voice campaign module and options from the UI and remove the microservices from K8S.
CLOUD-1901Fixed an issue where sent email campaigns weren't appearing on the stats dashboard or the sent tab.
CLOUD-1908Added a configurable chatbot powered by ChatGPT that uses the current campaign as context.
CLOUD-1883Fixed an issue where some email campaigns bounced, yet they had dates for when the recipient clicked on a link or opened the email.
CLOUD-1887Fixed an error with redirect phone numbers and Telnyx and Twilio.