Delete a Scheduled Campaign

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to delete a scheduled campaign. This article assumes that you completed steps 1 and 2 of How to use the Public API

  1. In the Postman collection that you downloaded from here, click on the Delete a Campaign function

  2. In the address bar, you'll see the URL that we're going to invoke to delete a campaign. The coreURL will be picked up from your Environment Variable. The campaignId will need to be specified as a Collection Variable. This is different from the Environment Variable because this variable can change within the Environment. In step 2 of How to use the Public API, the response body from the creation of the campaign contained an "id", this is the campaign id. This is the "id" specified below.

  3. Click on the Campaigns Collection in Postman.

  4. Cli the Variables tab

  5. Enter the campaignId

  6. Hit the Save button.

  7. Navigate back to the Delete REST API invocation in Postman.

  8. Hit the Send button

  9. You should receive a 200 OK back from the server

  10. Navigate back to CCAI

  11. Click on SMS Campaigns

  12. Click on Scheduled Campaigns

  13. Your Scheduled Campaign should be gone