(12-22-22) Release Notes

Release Notes for the (12-22-22) Deployment

Jira Ticket Summary
CLOUD-1106On Sent\Email Campaigns, if there are no Email campaigns show this screen
CLOUD-1043Need more stringent limits on first name/last name in contact creation
CLOUD-1067Email campaign needs to show scheduled time
CLOUD-1103When selecting an Exist List from SMS Campaign, can we sort the lists in descending order based upon Created At, we'd like to see the most recent lists first
CLOUD-1107Fix Typos in TCPA Compliance Screen
CLOUD-1100When i try to upload a list into the SMS Campaign view, the view does not process the contacts, and I get the following message " You must select a contact(s) to send this campaign"
CLOUD-1101When I try to add a $ amount to a text messages, the following message $${amount} results in displaying ${amount} in the message
CLOUD-1098Search Contacts is only bringing back 10 results (no pagination)
CLOUD-1046Deleting a Contact in the middle of a phone call causes problems.
CLOUD-1096When users sign up, can we display in the admin section whether the user signed up with Email, Gmail, or Amazon. If they signed up with email, can we display whether they clicked on the validate email that we sent to them
CLOUD-1088Bad Bug with LPS Provisioning a New Client. LPS has a custom setup, which means that we need to communicate with a different API to provision a phone number