(09-12-24) Release Notes

Jira TicketDescription
CLOUD-1787Helped integrate a client with ActiveCampaign.
CLOUD-1842Updated the email stats dashboard on a client's account that was displaying incorrect information.
CLOUD-1797Fixed an issue where the "min messages" and "max messages" in the SMS campaign search weren't acting as intended.
CLOUD-1834Implemented support for AWS SES webhook.
CLOUD-1825Added the option to requeue campaigns that have failed.
CLOUD-1833Added an "email bounced" checkbox to the contact info page. This will work similarly to the "do not text" checkbox.
CLOUD-1835SMS stats screen will now display scheduled messages correctly.
CLOUD-1804The intro popup will now send the user to the inbox to send the user an SMS to configure the number.
CLOUD-1836The words in the stat screen are now color-coded to match the colors of the legend.