(01-10-23) Release Notes

Jira Ticket Summary
CLOUD-1043Need more stringent limits on first name/last name in contact creation
CLOUD-1110When we go to the Create your Account page, can we change the placeholder text on the email to read ”Enter your company email address” when a flag on the Admin page entitled “Enable Only Company Email signup” is set to true.
CLOUD-1122Reworded the lettering on the verification email.
CLOUD-1088Bad bug where provisioning a (405) number would result in a "no 'from' number" error when sending campaigns.
CLOUD-957We don’t want users sending text messages from one client to a different country. We want to make the client specific to a single country. Hence, if my client is specific to India, I can only send messages from Indian numbers to Indian numbers. I can’t provision a phone number in the US nor can I send messages from an Indian number to a US number.
CLOUD-1067Email campaign needs to show scheduled time.
CLOUD-1044Strange interactions with delete button in "add contacts" on campaign creator.
CLOUD-1106Update splash screen for email campaigns if no emails have been sent.
CLOUD-1119Admin view lets users see if they have registered a password or not.
CLOUD-1109Successful Initial Payment followed by Unsuccessful Upgrade Payment will not put the account back in a trial state until the paid month has ended.
CLOUD-1112Monthly message count re-added back to the top bar; must be enabled via settings.
CLOUD-1120Introduced options to sign in with Amazon or sign in with Google.
CLOUD-1121Eased process through which the intro message can be configured via the back end.