1.4 How to Add a New Phone Number to an Existing Client
This guide is designed to help walk you through the process of adding a new phone number to your selected client.
From the CloudContactAI Dashboard, click the blue "Client: (Client Name)" button and select "Edit Client" from the drop down menu.

From the "Edit Client" button, you will be brought to the settings section of your dashboard.
You will have several tab's, as shown below, from which you can choose to edit.
In order to add a new phone number, you will need to select the "Phones" tab.
From the Phones tab, select the blue "+Add" button.

In order to add a phone number, you will need to choose an area code to generate the phone number with.
Simply type in the 3 digit area code you wish to use in the "Area Code" text box.
Once you have entered the area code, the system will select an available phone number and display the full phone number in the text box titled "Phone Number".
To add this new phone number to your existing client, select the blue "+Add Phone" button.

If your phone number was added successfully, you will receive a green pop up box with a white checkmark and the text "Phone number added successfully".
See below for reference.

Updated 24 days ago