(10-18-23) Release Notes

Jira TicketDescription
CLOUD-1490Adjusted character limit specific to a client's dashboard.
CLOUD-1572Fixed an issue with email stats on the dashboard.
CLOUD-1581Fixed an error that would prevent downloading some email reports.
CLOUD-1585Fixed an issue with a client not being able to access a specific portal.
CLOUD-1580Made adjustments to our Generative AI model to work with TinyMCE.
CLOUD-1534Made adjustments to the email editor to work with TinyMCE.
CLOUD-1533Added a more visible indicator of client count and the clients being viewed on the client tab.
CLOUD-1539Fixed an issue where editing an email campaign would delete all the content it had prior to starting.
CLOUD-1554Reintroduced phone validation during signup.
CLOUD-1558Fixed issues with timezone lookup when scheduling a campaign.
CLOUD-1538Fixed issue where scheduled email campaigns weren't launching.
CLOUD-1569Fixed not being able to edit or delete a scheduled campaign.
CLOUD-1597Trial users now have access to the generative AI functions on email campaigns.
CLOUD-1571Fixed an issue with Hubspot where launching a campaign for a contact with no first or last name would crash the campaign.
CLOUD-1574Fixed issues with being unable to upload contacts.
CLOUD-1582Added a better pie chart for displaying email hit/opened/bounced demographics on the email reports.
CLOUD-1299Trial users now have access to email and voice mail campaigns.
CLOUD-1570After launching an email campaign, the campaign now shows up on the email tab instead of needing the user to refresh the page first.