(06-22-23) Release Notes

Jira TicketDescription
CLOUD-1270Introduced email cost and limitations to the number of contacts an account can have.
CLOUD-1347Added logic to mark an email as invalid if an SMS fails with certain error codes.
CLOUD-1357Created differentiation between Contacts Lists and Dynamic Segments under the Contacts tab.
CLOUD-1359Added 'sent messages' category on the Billing page.
CLOUD-1363Added an error message when a user attempts to exceed the newly imposed contact limits.
CLOUD-1358Added a filter in the contacts lists for separating subscribed and unsubscribed contacts.
CLOUD-1355Fixed an issue where users could upload contact lists with empty rows.
CLOUD-1328Added user configurations for character limits in SMS campaigns.
CLOUD-1346Fixed an issue where drilling into a message through the 'sent' view would pull open an empty page.
CLOUD-1348Added settings for whether tabs in the inbox want to be aligned with the top of the screen or the left side of the screen.
CLOUD-1310Added new UI elements to users can update the message of an automated campaign.
CLOUD-1352Added unsubscribe functionality to campaigns.
CLOUD-1364Fixed an error caused by clicking the 'integrations' option in settings.
CLOUD-1362Fixed how the SMS dashboard would shift depending on the screen size.
CLOUD-1367Added emails for when a user pays or when their payment fails.
CLOUD-1361Added functionality to export 'sent' tab info.
CLOUD-1360Added update to contact info view where a failed SMS will label the phone number as invalid.
CLOUD-1365Added radio button to campaign creation for choosing either Contact Lists or Dynamic Lists.